
Custom Snapback Hat, Flat Embroidery Corduroy Personalized Snapback Caps (Blue & White)

USD $ 1.88 - 5.88

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How to wear a snapback hat?

Wear the snapback hat in a classic way.

Wearing the leading edge of the brim is the most classic way to wear a snapback hat, but that doesn’t mean you look bored. Hats are usually used in sports events in this way, with the team’s name, number or logo on the front, but you can also use fast button hats as a fashion expression in this way.

For girls, the classic style of wearing a back hat is to tie their hair into a ponytail or braid it into a braid. This style can help them get a cute and sporty look and complement their clothes, but they can also use it with loose hair or fix it in other ways.

If you are a boy with long hair, you can let them go or tie them in a ponytail.

Add: this style of clothes are T-shirts, sports polo shirts or clothes that look very casual.

It looks fashionable and urban.

Snapback hats are usually a popular choice for this style. They help create an urban confident style and hip-hop style. Some people use the back cover on the brim, but others think it is outdated or should never be done. You can use it like a classic back cover, but by supplementing its style, you can look urban.

Try sunglasses and casual and stylish coats. You will get a style that is both relaxed and casual, while maintaining fashion. In general, you’d better choose snapback hat because it will help you get the best urban appearance. Another less common option for an urban look is to use a snapback hat with an upward leading edge but slightly tilted.

As far as girls are concerned, the acquisition of urban style has a lot to do with their style and the type of hat they choose. Choose a hat that’s a little bold, with crazy prints, light colors or accessories, and then fix the hair in the braid or loosen it.

Boys must also choose hats that are a little bold and have a brand logo or color. You can use it with a white T-shirt and some exaggerated jewelry, or you can choose a classic denim jacket and black lenses to relax.

Achieve a European look.

Snapback hats are very popular in European culture. They have a very elegant and simple style. Choose a bright hat and use it with the brim forward and raised so that the hat tilts over your head. Then, combine it with tight jeans, modern hairstyle and fashionable European shoes. If the weather is too cold, please consider using a scarf or sweater.

The key to the appearance of this kind of clothes and hair. If you wear a hat in this way, but use it with a shirt and shorts, people will not understand the style you want to achieve. Europeans usually use soft color design, usually combining clothes with beautiful jackets and fashionable shoes. In addition, most fashionable European men have modern hairstyles. The upper part of their hair is longer, usually combed with hair gel on the side, while the side is shorter. Combing your hair into European style will also help you improve your European appearance.

Girls can use similar styles. Put down your hair, wear tight jeans and jackets, and add some jewelry to fashion.

Shape:customStructured, unstructured or any other shape
Material:customContton, acrylic, wool, polyester,canvas, microfiber, fast dry fabric, nylon mesh, foam etc.
Back Closure:customPlastic snapback, metal buckle, velcro closure, leather straps any other closure you want
Color:customStandard colors are available (special colors are available based on pantone color cards)
Size:customNormally 48cm-55cm for kids, 56cm-60cm for adults
Logo DesigncustomFlat & 3D embroidery, silkscreen, heat press printing, laser cut, woven patch, metal patch, rubber patch, heat-melting rhinestone, double printing, appliqué, inner mesh layer, inner lining etc.
Label:customHang tags, size labels, wash labels, woven labels etc.
Packing:custom25pcs with 1 pp bag per box, 50pcs with 2 pp bags per box, 100pcs with 4 pp bags per box
Price:Depends on the quantity and quality
Payment Methods:PayPal,Western Union,T/T, D/A
Delivery Methods:Express (DHL, FedEx, UPS), by air, by sea, by trucks, by rails

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