As everyone knows, choose the suitable hat for your face shape can be like trying on clothes… they may have the same sizes on the tags, but they don’t fit the same way. After all, the same hat can look great on one person but not quite communicate the same sense of personality on the other. Sometimes you try out various hats but you feel like none of them is perfect.You try thousands of hats and none can suit for you. This can all change if you know what type of face shape you have. Because there’s a perfect hat for every face shape and personality.By picking a flattering hat based on your face shape, you can add flair and sharpness to your appearance.
What’s Your Face Shape?
Here is a list of possible face shapes. You can have “heart-shaped”, “oval”, “square”, “triangle” face, “oblong”, “diamond” and “circle” face shapes.

Heart-shaped face
This type of face is very common. It has a pointy chin and around the upper part of the face. People with this face type usually have a broad forehead and wide cheekbones. Some of them may have small mouths in comparison to everything else on the face. One of the most common face types.
The heart-shaped face is often called a cute face, and you should use that to become even cuter. The lovely heart-shaped face, which is exactly how it sounds, benefits best from a baseball cap, newsboy or fedora. They are all a good choice! What you should be doing as well as tilting your hat a bit down when you wear it. This will draw attention to your eyes and create an illusion that your face is slimmer than it really is.

Oval face
On an oval face, the length of it is approximately one and a half times greater than the width of the face. The jaw is rounded and the forehead is a bit larger than the jawline. If we could put a parallel with something familiar, we could say that an oval face often resembles an egg.
A person with an oval face enjoys the versatility of choice, as an oval face goes with nearly any style.The oval face is one of the best faces when it comes to wearing hats. Hat styles that suit you best are Fedora Hats, Cowboy Hats, Cloches that sit low on the forehead, Newsboy Caps, Fishermen Caps, Boater style with rounded brims. It’s best to avoid narrow or flat brims and go for low crowns and wide flared brims.You’ll look amazing!

Square Face
A square-shaped face has a length almost equal to its width. The distance from forehead to chin and from cheek to cheek are roughly the same.
Experiment with circular styles. Your defined and symmetrical face requires circular features to soften the edges of the face. Round crown and brim will do the trick, smoothing a boxy face and inducing the illusion of height and roundness. Select for a sunhat, a cowboy hat, or a snapback, which gives you a feminine and flirty touch.

Oblong face
In oblong face, the length of it will be greater than its width. Oblong faces have cheeks, jawline, and forehead which are similar in dimensions. Some of them might have big foreheads.
Try a hat with a flared brim and low crown, such as a sunhat, a cloche, or a fedora with a large brim. The large brim of a sunhat may well offset the length of a long face.
Triangular face
Triangular faces will be characterized by a large jawline, slightly smaller cheekbones, and the smallest forehead. A triangle face may be any length. Triangle-shaped faces are also known as pear-shaped faces.
Triangle face is often related to as a little brother of oval face shape. What this means is that you can pretty much wear any hat you like. The options are endless. From fedoras, cowboy hats, baseball caps and so on, you can pretty much wear anything you like.

Oblong face
In oblong face, the length of it will be greater than its width. Oblong faces have cheeks, jawline, and forehead which are similar in dimensions. Some of them might have big foreheads.
This type of face is a bit unforgiving. Since your face is elongated, what you want to avoid are hats that are tall. Hats like a bucket hats with a large brim come in handy and work perfectly since they cover at least half of your forehead.
Diamond Face
For a diamond-shaped face, a diamond face has width around the top part of the head and a narrower jawline, wearing a hat further back on the head can mitigate the potential for a shortened face.
This face shape has angular contours with a tapered chin. Features to go for would be moderate to wide brims and pinched crowns. Again round style hats can counterbalance the angular contours. Round Bowler Hats can give the illusion of a rounder forehead and trilby hats have shorter brims with pinched crowns.
If your face shape is a mixture of the above types, then mix the suggestions to find the best hat for you. I hope this guide has given you a bit of an idea on what style of hat to go for but the only real way to tell is to try some on! Now contact aungcrown and select suitable hats for yourself.